History » 1143 - 1901 » Old Schoenstatt » Registers

9. List of Superiors and Rectors

Three periods - Spiritual leadership in the different periods.

The following is a list of the Superiors and Rectors of the Schoenstatt Convent as far as their names have been handed down to us. For the sake of completeness, the list continues also after the Sisters left Vallendar until the community was suppressed in 1803. According the development falls into three periods: from the foundation to the reform, then until the transfer to Koblenz, and finally until the suppression.

First Period

Few names have been handed down from the first period of the convent. The Superiors in the first period were know as Magistra. They were assisted by a Prior and Prioress. The ones we know of are:


Second Period

These are the Sisters from Mühlenheim. Their superiors before their move to Schoenstatt were:

She was followed by:


Third Periode

The superiors of St George's Convent were:

Under the superior Angela Rau and the Rector, Nikolaus Matthai, the nuns moved from St George in 1708 to the newly build convent on the Leer.

They were followed by:

In the first period, Schoenstatt was subject to the Abbots of Lonnig and Mayen, who appointed the Prior. In the second period the nuns were at first subject to the excellent Choir Monks of the Windesheim Congregation on the Island of Niederwerth near Vallendar, as the decree of transfer of the Muehlheim Sisters shows. In the third period they had secular priests as rectors, the first of which was the last prior, Augustin Glesch, of the monastery of Niederwerth, which was suppressed on 4 May 1580.


www.urheiligtum.de - The Website about the Original Shrine of the international Schoenstatt Movement.

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