History » 1143 - 1901 » Old Schoenstatt » Annex


I. Founding Document of the Schoenstatt Convent at Vallendar, followed by a translation of the modern German translation

In nomine sancte et iniuidue trinitatis. Ego Albero Die gratia Treuirorum humilis minister et servuus. Uenerabili in Christo ecclesie de Lunnecho et eius abbati in perpetuum Quoniam in ecclesia Die non nostris meritis sed diuina uocatione officium episcopale suscepimus expedit ut omnibus nobis a Deo creditis quantum in nobis est opem et auxilium feramus et tam in hiis que ad Deum quam in hiis que humana necessitas expostulat prout possumus pia semper solicitudine prouideamus. Eapropter dilectis filiabus nostris in Lunnecho sub regula beati Augustini laudabiliter educatis sed pro variis ete intolerabilibus necessitatibus quas inibi dampnose sustinebant in locum cui nomen imposuimus Bellus Locus extra Valendren situm vtilius et comodius petitione dilecti filii Folmari reuerendi abbatis a nobis translatis cum benedictione Die et nostra feliciter ibidem locatis speziale aliquod, unde apud illas nostri memoria semper haberetur conferre statuimus. De vniuersis itaque laboribus que infra septa sua elaborauerint et animalibus quecunque in suis prediis educauerint decimam ex hinc in perpetuum remittimus. Preterea in predio Valendra quod domus Rembaldus et frater ejus Sigefridus de Ysemburch. Item etiam in Adenrode quam Vdelricus ejusdem ville ciuis prefati loci ecclesie in elemosina tradiderunt di alique noulia fecerint decimam et jus episcopale quia in foresti nostra sita sunt intuitu omnipotentis Die pro remedio anime mee in caritate Die de cetero indulgemus. Vt nostri memoriam jugiter suis habeant in orationibus. Hiis quoque adjiciendum vtile duximus siquis pro suffragiis orationum se ibidem tumulari petierit si sine nota excommunicationis sit nostra licentia sepeliatur. Decreuimus etiam vt nulla deinceps ecclesiastica secularisve persona quamlibet in eo loco sibi presumat vsurpare potestam preter predictum abbatem Folmarum suosque successores canonice electos quibus quia ab eis exierunt obedientie eorum semper subjecte erunt. Ac si forte quod absit alique controuersia exorta fuerit quam abbas cum suis fratribus terminare nequiuerit ad episcopum deferatur. Ad hex prenominata predia Valendra Adenrode et vniuersa que in presentiarum juste possident vel possessure erunt tam in villis quam in agris vineis pratis nemoribus et ceteris pertinentiis eidem loco pace firma indicimus et banno nostro confirmamus. Vt hec igitur rata et inconvulsa permaneant presentis scripti pagina et sigilli nostri impressione sub anthemate confirmamus. Siquis ergo in futurum hanc nostre confirmationis kartham quoque modo violare atque infringere presumpserit nisi debiat satisfactione resipiscat indignationem De omnipotentis et beatorum apostolorum Petri et Pauli et nostrum incurrat. Acta sunt hec Treueri in generali sinodo. XI. kal. novembris anno dominice incarnationis M. C. XLIII. Indictione III. anno ordinationis nostre XI. Testes etiam qui affuerunt subter annotari fecimus. De clericis. Godefridus ecclesie prepositus. Folmarus decanus. Arnoldus achidyaconus. Conradus prepositus sancti Paulini. De abbatibus. Godefridus Efternacensis abbas. Sygerus sancti Maximini abbas. Bertrandus sancti Eucharii abbas. Richardus abbas de Sprenkirspach. Liberi comes Walrauenus de Arlon. Fridericus comes de Vienna. Gerlacus Rembaldus Sygefridus fratres de Isinburch. Henricus de Katzenelenbogen. ministrales. Hermannus Egilbertus. Fridericus. Erfo. Ortwinus. Hermannus de Palatio cum multis aliis quorum nomina scribere non potuimus.

A Translation

from a German version made by Fr H.M. Hug in 2003.

In the Name of the Blessed and Undivided Trinity.

I, Albero, by God's grace a humber servant of Trier, to the reverend Abbot of Lunnich in Christ to eternal remembrance. Since we have received the office of Bishop in God's Church - not because of our own merit, but by divine calling - it is fitting that, as far as it depends on us, we should in all things offer God with constant watchfulness the efforts and help we owe him, both with regard to things directly connected with God, as also to human needs, as far as we are able.

Having said that, we have decided on behalf of our beloved daughters in Lunnich, who have been admirably trained according to the Rule of St Augustine, yet because of various intolerable circumstances have to suffer disadvantages there, that they should move to another place. This place, which we have called Schoenstatt (Bellus Locus), lies on the edge of Vallendar. We have decided that according to the wish of our beloved son, Folmar, the revered Abbot - transferred by us - they can live there more profitably and pleasantly, endowed with God's blessing and our special assignment, so that our memory may always be held in honour there.

We restore to them the tenth due to us of all the work they do from their convent, and of all animals that grow within their property.

In addition, within the parish of Vallendar, the house of Rembaldus and his brother, Sigefridus von Yesembruch. Also in Adenrode the house that Udelricus and his citizens give as alms to the above-mentioned local church as alms, as well as a tenth that would be due for any fallow land. We also grant the episcopal right to forests that were given out of love to God for the salvation of my soul, and everything else. In return they are to remember me in their prayers.

We consider it useful to lay down by this document that if someone asks to be buried there, because of the intercession of the Sisters, he has my permission to be buried there, except for possible excommunicants.

We also decree that no ecclesiastical or secular person, no matter who he may be, may arrogate to himself the rights over that place without the agreement of Abbot Folmar, mentioned, and his legal successors, in particular if this concerns people who want to withdraw from obedience. They are to be forever subject.

If - hopefully it will not happen - a serious disagreement should arise between the Abbot and his daughters, which he is unable to end, it should be submitted to the Bishop.

We assure a constant royal peace for the above-mentioned parish of Vallendar, Adenrode, as well as all present possessions, or legally acquired possessions, of villages, fields, vineyards, meadows, forests, etc. at that place, and endorse this with the threat of our bann.

So that all this may apply forever and unalterably, we confirm it with our seal and the threat of damnation.

Therefore, if in future this decree confirmed by us is in any way enfringed or destroyed, and if anyone is not prepared to withdraw it by guilty restitutions, he will draw down the anger of Almighty God and the holy Apostles Peter and Paul, an ourselves.

This is the act of the present Synod of Trier.

Given on 11 November in the year 1143 since the Birth of Our Lord, as III Edict in the year 11 since our episcopal ordination.

The witnesses who are present are asked to sign this document.

The Clerics:

The Abbots:

The Barons:

The Notaries:

Together with many others whose names we cannot list.


www.urheiligtum.de - The Website about the Original Shrine of the international Schoenstatt Movement.

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