History » 1969 - 2002 » 1978 Notice Boards at the Shrine

Notice Boards at the Original Shrine 1978

KN Nr. XIII/6, 7.5.1978, p. 78:

New Notice Boards at the Original Shrine

Die Pallottiner haben für neuen Gesprächsstoff gesorgt, indem sie zum Auftakt des Maimonats – sie hatten übrigens gleichfalls zu einem Mai-Einzug eingeladen – an der seitlichen Außenwand des Heiligtums zu den Heldengräbern hin eine große, ca. 120x60 cm messende Hinterglas-Tafel anbringen ließen, auf der die jugendlichen Mitgründer zu Gründern werden und der Gründer verschwiegen wird. Wir lassen zur Orientierung den genauen Wortlaut folgen:

Here the Pallottine High School pupils rest in peace:

Max Brunner
born 12.12.1897
entered the Pallottine College
on 24.4.1911
fell in battle 23.4.1917
while storming Gavrelle

Hans Wormer
born 6.10. 1898
entered the Pallottine College
Autumn 1913
fell in battle 15.7.1917
near Cambrai

Their remains were brought to Schoenstatt on 20.6.1934

(Note: This is probably a typing error and should be the 20.8.1934.) (sic!)

They had come with the desire to take over the idea and mission of St Vincent Pallotti as Pallottine Fathers. The left for the battlefield with the intention of preserving their ideals in the apocalyptical events of war, and through their religious and moral striving aroused the admiration of their comrades. They died with the prayer that Mary, their Queen, should take possession of their Sodality chapel, and make it a place of grace for the College, for the German Pallottine Province, and perhaps beyond.

Distinguished by the same striving

Josef Engling
born 5.1.1898
entered the Pallottine College
on 24.9.1912
fell in battle on 4.10.1918
near Cambrai.
His mortal remains remain undiscovered
but his name and example will never be forgotten.

The sacrifice of their lives laid the foundations for Schoenstatt as a place of grace.

For the ideals of this apostolic movement the Pallottine Fathers became the victims of the persecution of the Church by the Nazis

Albert Eise
born 7.11.1896
ordained to the priesthood 6.5.1925
died of starvation typhus in Dachau
after almost 10 months in the concentration camp
on 3.9.1942

Franz Reinisch
born 1.2.1903
ordained to the priesthood 26.6.1928
because of open rejection of Hitler
guillotined in Brandenburg
on 21.8.1942

Their urns rest here in consecrated earth.

“Unless the grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone, but if it dies, it brings forth much fruit” (Jn 12,24) ...

KN Nr. XIII/13, 26.10.1978, p. 229:

New Inscription at the Original Shrine

A beautiful new sign adorns the small notice of Church services at the door of the original shrine:

Chapel of Grace
of our dear Lady of Schoenstatt
Queen of the Apostles
Mother Thrice Admirable
Place of quiet prayer.

www.urheiligtum.de - The Website about the Original Shrine of the international Schoenstatt Movement.

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