History » 1969 - 2002 » 1972 Old Tower and Wasserburg

Renovation of the Old Tower
and Demolition of the Wasserburg 1972

KN Nr. VII/33, 31.8.1972, p. 428:

At our holy place

  1. On 29.8.1972 scaffolding was placed around the Old Tower in Schoenstatt. It was to be given a new garment. Everyone agreed that it deserved it. Now that it had been robbed of the ancient buildings that had flanked it, it now looked really miserable in comparison with the fine new building of the Wasserburg. The conservation experts will have a lot of work to repair all the damage to the tower, and to spruce up the porous tufa and quarry stone elements appropriately. Even though it is obviously somewhat crooked, it will not collapse as easily as its twin in 1932, because it is supported by an inner reinforced concrete corset. It must still testify to a glorious future for the richly blessed place of grace, Schoenstatt.
  2. On 31.8.1972 a start was made with demolishing the old Wasserburg. The work of the Pallottines to redevelop the valley according to their own plans thus took a decisive step forward. Whoever now comes to Schoenstatt is immersed in a completely changed surrounding. Some may regret it, others welcome it as progress, because the obviously generous re-planning of Pallottine property could create favourable conditions for the extensive development of the Schoenstatt pilgrims’ movement.

www.urheiligtum.de - The Website about the Original Shrine of the international Schoenstatt Movement.

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