History » 1901 - 1912 » Father Menningen

In 1970 Fr Menningen recalled

Fun and games in the chapel

The most interesting thing for us was the two wires hanging loosely from the ceiling. At this time the chapel did not have any lights, but because it had been used in the past, it still had the wire cables. Fr Auer was a DIY man – he had set up the lighting for the old house from lead plates in the Wambachtal. Then he suspended the electric cables from the old house into the chapel. There had once been an electric light in the chapel. I can remember faintly that it had been given to Fr Zeus by my aunt in Hoehr. She supported him repeatedly with gifts, also when he was in the Cameron. She took the lamps from her best room and gave them to the chapel. However, when we put the garden tools in the chapel, there was no need for a light, and it is probable that someone took them out and used them somewhere else.

The wires hung loosely from the ceiling. And we soon found out that if we connected them, they gave off a spark and the whole old house was plunged into darkness. It was an irresistible temptation to which we succumbed on more than one occasion. Then we ran away before Fr Auer appeared ...

Note about Fr. Zeus: Fr Franz Zeus *2.10.1875, Ordained. 27.5.1899; Rector of the Study House from 22.9.1901. He was still Rector when the electrical fittings were installed in 1903.

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