History » 1901 - 1912 » Brother Viedenz

Brother Joseph Viedenz reminisces

There was a statue of the Sorrowful Mother on the altar. It had come from Limburg when the house in Vallendar was opened. It had been in the Chapel of the Walderdorffer Hof, where the Pallottines had lived after they came to Germany. In the new Study House it was placed in the entrance to the infirmary chapel (1912) …

When I came to Vallendar in 1908, the chapel was only used for services on Maundy Thursday. After Holy Mass on Maundy Thursday, the Blessed Sacrament was carried to the chapel and remained there till Good Friday morning, when it was taken back to the usual chapel for the service. I can remember how we Brothers held Adoration during the night from Thursday to Friday. …

In 1909 or 1910, when we Pallottines began to have our own Corpus Christi procession, there was always a station in the chapel.

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